Reverse Culture Shock
Hisashi Tomie, M.D. 

リヴァース・カルチャーショック Part.2

     However do not just criticize Japanese.
If you do, Japanese friends and family may shut down
connmunication with you, You need a careful strategy
if you want to change something. They are very pollte,
persevering and hard working. I cannot overemphasize
the value of politeness in communicating with Japanese.
If you do not communicate with politeness,Japanese
will respond negativeIy. However if you show respect and
politeness, you can get positive results far more quickly.
Try it.
    Unfortunately there are few books dealing with reverse
culture shock, though there are many books explaining how
to adiust to American culture. Here I would like to share
with you my ideas how to prevent reverse culture shock
based on my own experience.

      1. Before going back to Japan to live, try to visit
         Japan in advance if  possible.
     2. Find a mentor who is willing to offer to help you
        adjust smoothly.
     3. Use Japanese by writing letters to family and friends.
        Chinese characters are easy to forget.
       Textbook for "Business competence examination" by
       JMA Management Center is recommended,
     4. Keep interest in the events in Japan
     Subscribe to Japanese newspapers or journals;
           Asahi Shinbun  1-800-692-7244
           Chicago Shinpo   312-478-6170
           Hawai Hochi      8O8-845-2255
           Nichibei Times   415-921-6820
           Nihonkeizai shimbun  l-80O-322-1657
           North American Post  2O6-623-O100
           OCS news  1-800-367-3405
           Rafu Shinpo   312-478-6170
           Rocky Mountain Jiho  3O3-295-1848
           Yomiuri ArneriCa Inc l-800-272-O799
     Go to ]apanese book stoes,
     Asahiya, Kinokuniya(On-Line Book Stores)

     Imidas 1998 by the Shueisha is a good information source.

Do not underestimate the issue of reverse culture shock,
It may be more serious for children, so called "returnee
In conclusion, I would like to ask readers in Japan to
welcome our colleagues who were out of Japan for many
years and vulnerable to losing their Japanese identity.

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